Classical Structure with Homeschool Flexibility

Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

The mission of GCT is to support parents in the training of their children to become godly, powerful, and redemptive agents of change in a fallen world. We aim to educate and train young men and women for discernment and understanding, clear and critical thinking, graceful and persuasive speech, and the redemption of worldviews. We desire for these children to evaluate their entire range of experience in the light of the Scriptures and to do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God. We strive to encourage and inspire parents toward the goals of Christ-centered and classical training that they may meld this approach with the Biblical mandate to responsibly train up their children in the knowledge and ways of the Lord.

We desire parents to grow with GCT, to become involved in and excited about the journey that we share.

Supporting the Christ-centered, Classical Homeschool


In all its levels, programs, and teaching, GCT seeks to:


In all its levels, programs, and teaching, GCT seeks to:


In all its grades and subjects, GCT seeks to: